Delivery Information

Delivery Information

All goods are stored in our Hong Kong and China warehouse.  We clear all our orders everyday with delivery to Post Office or Courier 3 times a week, on MON, WED, FRI, Hong Kong Time (GST+8).  


International Deliveries


Destination   Estimated Delivery Time
(Monday - Friday)
Americas Canada     13-20 days
  United States     13-20 days
Europe France     15-22 days
  Ireland     13-20 days
  United Kingdom     13-20 days
Asia - Pacific Japan     13-20 days
  Singapore     10-15 days
Others All Other Countries     20-40 days


Delivery Time Estimate

Delivery time estimates only and cannot be guaranteed. Payment and address verification may take extra working days and delay the processing of your order. is not responsible for delays involving customs clearance.


Customs or import duties applied to the parcel upon reaching its destination are outside of open_sale's control, and are the sole responsibility of the customer. To determine the potential cost in advance, please contact your local customs office.
